



Pretty basic question.. I kno.., I just don't know how its done.

I see it everywhere. I want to be able to sort out my content in my websites by most viewed, most commented, most popular, best rating, etc...with a drop down list, check box, etc... but I don't know how "sort by" works? Which scripting language should it be written in? Javascript? PHP? Can it be done with XML? Do I have to have a database set up like MySQL? Is there a good tutorial anywhere that explains it? I need to be explained the exact process of how it works. As you can see I really need direction.. Your help is much appreciated :D


Sounds like you need a Content Management System that incorporates both server-side technology & a database. For a beginner, I would recommend Wordpress or Drupal to get started. they both have all the features you mentioned baked in, and the online community is excellent.

well, I'm sort of a beginner sort of not.., i know html, css, and have dipped into php and javascript. Just dipped in tho offense but i really hate Content Management Systems.. Im a do it from scratch kind of guy. Do it from scratch because i really like understanding the full process of how it all works. I feel like if I had some guidance I can figure this thing out.
+1  A: 

You need a CMS.. Of which there are 2 main routes you can go down:

  1. Build it yourself
  2. Use a 'ready made' CMS such as Wordpress, Drupal, or a Forum with a CMS plugin such as Simple Machines Forum (SMF - formerly YaBBSE and YaBB)

IF you are choosing to make it yourself then expect a learning curve. You will probably need to learn a bit of Javascript, a lot pf PHP and get ready to hand code any HTML.

It's not an easy task, but if you want to do it I would suggest:

  1. tizag
  2. google 'php content management systems' and find a tutorial (e.g.

I would recommend MySQL for starters instead of XML, though you can get nearly the same base functionality out of an XML file as a MySQL DB (MySQL has a number of functions and is better overall than XML... but XML will do if you just want to store data in a flat file).

Good luck, and remember this is the place to ask questions... So if you choose to learn PHP and don't understand why something isn't working, or don't grasp a concept... Give us all a shout :) <- useful...

I definitely want to build it myself. I have no problem hand writing HTML.., I have no problem going in and editing php or javascript buut I don't exactly know how it works. I know how to be careful in code though and change out things here and there. Thanks for your great info i will check the links out!
AWESOME tutorials!!! exactly what i needed.. thanks brotha

As very much a starter myself I have found youtube to be a great help I would have been completely lost without it, and of course this site. I found this lad to be one of the best
