




I have developed a graphic program on a desktop system. But when I tried to run it on the hp compaq laptop it's not getting executed. I developed it using Turbo C. Then i tried writing a simple graphic program in Turbo C on the laptop, but the problem I am getting is in 'initgraph' statement it is unable to detect the driver.

Can you please tell me what might be the problem?

+1  A: 

It sounds like it can't detect what kind of graphics card you have. Try setting the graphdriver parameter to either VGA or IBM8514.

Can you please guide me, how to set the graphics driver.
Edit your question to show your call to `initgraph` and maybe I can help.
Just try using `VGA` or `IBM8514` instead of `DETECT`.
Ok thank you i will just try it now.
+1  A: 

Turbo-C, much like my first girlfriend, will always have a special place in my heart.

But its time to let her go. She's not the same girl you remember, and just cannot keep up with modern times. She may have been hip and cool at the time, but she can't handle modern trends at all. Even 32-bit memory is a real challenge for her. You're a better man now, and deserve a real woman. Go find yourself a good Visual Studio, or a nice GCC environment.

I'm not saying you have to forget Turbo-C. I know she was your first and will always be magical, but put her pictures in a shoebox, and don't take them out more than once a year. Its time to move on, buddy.


In Turbo c goto options->Linker->Liabraries-> add Graphics Library. It might help
