I'm fetching the Child 1 tag into a DropDownList in my C# form, Plz suggest the best practise code (C#) for deleting a Particular Parent tag & all it's child tags in an XML file.
Example of my xml file:
<Child 1>Something</Child 1>
<Child 2>Something</Child 2>
<Child 3>Something</Child 3>
<Child 4>Something</Child 4>
<Child 1>Something 1</Child 1>
<Child 2>Something 1</Child 2>
<Child 3>Something 1</Child 3>
<Child 4>Something 1</Child 4>
I mean something like:
for (int i=0; i<[Length of xml doc]; i++)
if (Child 1 == ComboBox1.Text && Child 2 == richTextBox1.Text)
// Delete <Parent> tag of that Child 1