



In my particular case, I want to bind to the IsReadOnly property of a TextBox to set the Content property of a Button? They are both part of the same StackPanel.

I've tried doing it with a DataTrigger with a Binding to the ElementName of the TextBox and a Trigger using the TextBox name as the SourceName.

Any thoughts?


Have you tried this:

<StackPanel x:Name="LayoutRoot">
    <Button Width="75" Content="{Binding IsReadOnly, ElementName=textBox, Mode=Default}" />
    <TextBox x:Name="textBox" VerticalAlignment="Top" Text="TextBox" />


He may want his button to say something more meaningful than True or False though \*grin\*. Which you can do by inserting a converter, of course, but a trigger does feel more idiomatic...
Mark, I edited your code to get rid of some extraneous bits that I felt made it hard to see the core of your suggestion. Hope this is okay -- if you feel I've distorted your intent then please roll back.
that's fine, thanks for that, I just whipped it up real quick and probably should have cleaned it up :)
+2  A: 

You need to specify the trigger as part of a style -- the Triggers collection on the Button itself can only contain event triggers. With that in mind, a DataTrigger works fine. However, there is a wrinkle: the value from the Trigger Setter won't overwrite a local Content property. So you have to set the default Content in the Style as well. Here's how it looks:

<Button>  <!-- Note no content set directly on button -->
    <Style TargetType="Button">
      <Setter Property="Content" Value="You may write!!!" />  <!-- Here is the 'normal' content -->
        <!-- Here is how we bind to another control's property -->
        <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding IsReadOnly, ElementName=textBox}" Value="True">
          <Setter Property="Content" Value="NO NO NO" />  <!-- Here is the 'override' content -->
Ah ha! I knew there was a property precedence, but it didn't occur to me that direct would overwrite the Trigger action.I'm using a DP as the binding source and ended up with the same lack of behavior as trying to use ElementName, so the problem was actually with the property precdence.Thanks for clearing that up!