



I'm setting a HTML string value to webbrowser.DocumentText. Problem is, sometimes it worked and sometimes it hangs up and not go through the documentcompleted event. what might be the problem?

Please reply, asap..




Just a thought: With all the web-'dynam-ism' nowadays, a page is never really in a 'completely-loaded' state. After DocumentComplete, the OnLoad event of the page is fired, then any scripts placed in such an event are fired, and then javascript timers may be used to initiate download/upload of some resource, or a change in page using AJAX, etc.

I believe AJAX calls could cause all kinds of unseen problems with your WebBrowser control; because AJAX can cause multiple Navigating() events to fire during the loading of a page. And for that reason your app would experience multiple DocumentCompleted event fire on that page.

A possible solution could be to monitor the page changes and attempt to find out what possibly got changed. And to do this you may need to look into Notify method.

Called by MSHTML when a change occurs in the contents of the markup container with which it is associated.

This and this discussion may help you coming up with something like following:

HtmlElement target = _webBrowser.Document.GetElementById("somedivthatwillbepopulatedbytheajaxrequest");

if (target != null)
    target.AttachEventHandler("onpropertychange", new EventHandler(handler));