Do you have any recommendation for a free 3D charting library in Flex. To be more precise, I only need to draw surface (for now). Basically, I just need a chart that displays three axes (one should be timeline, and two should be linear axises) and the surface.
From what I have seen so far, two most popular free Flesh 3D libraries are Papervision3D and Away3D. Also, I've found one IBM library - ILOG Elixir that looks really nice, but it's proprietary (although, I haven't seen any surface examples for Elixir neither).
From what I have seen, Papervision3D and Away3D should do much more then 3D charting, but I haven't seen any examples on how to draw surfaces in any of them (except this line chart in 3D:
So, if anyone has a link to a documentation or some examples that would be great. Also, I'm interested to hear your opinion and recommendations on this topic.