



Hello all,

Two random question as I try to integerate Paypal IPN into my Codeigniter based web app.

1) Are these two lines the same?

$data['pp_info'] = $this->input->post();

$data['pp_info'] = $_POST;

2) A user agrees to pay a monthly recurring fee to use your service using paypal - first payment you are aware they have paid as you get data returned from paypal. But how do you keep track if users has paid for the following months? How do you know the user has not cancelled from their paypal account?

Thanks all for any help

+1  A: 

1) Yes, but you should use the first one, incase CI makes changes to the method in the future (security filters, etc).

2) PayPal have a URL you need to call every few hours that says "this guys card has expired" and "this other guys recurring payment has been processed". The URL will be in your PayPal control panel thingy.

@Coronaus Thank you for you answer. For (2), would you by any chance know the form the URL is in? I mean to check person, would I just append their ID to the URL and make that request?
Sorry, I don't remember. It's been a while since I did it.