I have a bunch of files that were named in a somewhat standard format. The standard form is basically this:
[integer]_word1_word2_word3_ ... _wordn where a word could really be anything, but all words are separated by an underscore.
There is really only 3 things I want to do to the text:
1.) I want to modify the integer, which is always at the beginning, so that something like "200" would become $ 200.00.
2.) replace any "words" of the form "with", "With", "w/", or "W/" with "with".
3.) Replace all underscores with a space.
I wrote three different preg_replace calls to do the trick. They are as follows:
1.) $filename = preg_replace("/(^[0-9]+)/","$ $1.00",$filename)
2.) $filename = preg_replace("/_([wW]|[wW]ith)_/"," with ",$filename)
3.) $filename = preg_replace("/_/"," ",$filename);
Each replacement works as expected when run individually, but when all three are run, the 2nd replacement is ignored. Why would something like that occur?
Thanks for the help!
Here's the actual code I'm working with:
$path = "./img";
$dir_handle = @opendir($path);
while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
$id = preg_replace("/\.jpg/","",$file);
$id = preg_replace("/(^[0-9]+)/","$ $1.00", $id);
$id = preg_replace("/_([wW]\/|[wW]ith)_/"," with ", $id);
$id = preg_replace("/_/"," ", $id);
echo "<a href='javascript:show(\"img/$file\")'>$id</a> <br/>";