




I am currently trying to build a very basic serial shell with my arduino.

I am able to get an output from the device using Serial.read() and can get the character it has outputted, but I cannot work out how to then add that character to a longer to form the full command.

I tried the logical thing but it doesn't work:

char Command[];

void loop(){
  if(Serial.available() > 0){
    int clinput = Serial.read();
    Command = Command + char(clinput);

Can anybody help? Thank You.


Use std::string if you can. If you can't :

snprintf(Command, sizeof(Command), "%s%c", Command, clinput);

or (remeber to check that Command does not grow too much...)

size_t len = strlen(Command);
Command[len] = clinput;
Command[len + 1] = '\0';
Tuomas Pelkonen
command doesnt point at anything, sizeof (command) = 4 (or maybe 2 on arduino)
Thanks so much, I've literally spent a day googling :D
 char command[MAX_COMMAND];
 void loop(){
     char *p = command;
    if(Serial.available() > 0){
      int clinput = Serial.read();
    command[p++] = (char)clinput;
Should check for buffer overflow though.
Péter Török
Almost certainly a seg fault if it even compiles. p is a pointer to char, not an index into a char array.
Simon Nickerson
@simon are you serious? char * points perfectly happily to char array. Hopefully you will downvoted the accepted answer since that writes to an unitilaized pointer
Simon is probably serious, since he is correct. Look at your last line. I doubt you meant to index the command array with a pointer. Perhaps you meant *p++ = (char)clinput;
Steve Fallows
oops - yes it should just be *p++ = ....

Use std::ostringstream with std::string:

#include <sstream>
#include <string>

std::string loop()
    std::ostringstream oss;
    while ( Serial.available() > 0 ){
        oss << static_cast<char>(Serial.read());
    return oss.str();

You can also concatenate multiple instances of std::string with operator+.

Michael Aaron Safyan

Since its also tagged C,

char *command = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * MAXLENGTH);
*command = '\0';

void loop(){
  char clinput[2] = {}; //for nullifying the array
  if(Serial.available() > 0){
    clinput[0] = (char)Serial.read();
    strcat(command, clinput);
N 1.1
strcat takes a char* as its second arg
Simon Nickerson
@Simon Nickerson: updated. thanks!
N 1.1
+3  A: 

You have to write character by character into an array. For example like this:


int commandLength;    

void loop(){
  if(Serial.available() > 0){
    int clinput = Serial.read();
    if (commandLength < MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH) {
      Command[commandLength++] = (char)clinput;

BTW: This is not complete. E.g. commandLength has to be initialized with 0.

+1  A: 

You need to allocate enough space in command hold the longest commmand and then write characters into it as the come in. When you run out of characters, you null terminate the command and then return.

char Command[MAX_COMMAND_CHARS];

void loop() {
  int ix = 0; 
  // uncomment this to append to the Command buffer
  //ix = strlen(Command);

  while(ix < MAX_COMMAND_CHARS-1 && Serial.available() > 0) {
     Command[ix] = Serial.read();

  Command[ix] = 0; // null terminate the command
John Knoeller