



I'm looking to find a galleria replacement, hopefully using jQuery but other javascript frameworks such as prototype or mootools are fine too.

I used galleria a while back, and I need a similar product now. Unfortunately, the domain seems to have disappeared in the meantime and I'm wary of using products that aren't actively maintained.

I'm willing to pay up to $50 per site for licensing costs, if the product meets my needs.

I'm specifically looking for a gallery with the following features:

  • Every image in the gallery preloads asap, not as the user clicks "next"
  • Minimalist default css to keep my subsequent styling headaches down, preferably a "darkroom" style by default, much as galleria looks
  • Each element that constructs the image gallery should be simple and logical to reference with CSS
  • As easy to install as adding a css class to a single unordered list
  • No dependencies other than the core jQuery/other library, including "easing" and other effects must be optional
  • Works on browsers back to IE6, Firefox 3, Safari (and iPhone), Chrome, Opera
  • Has a javascript API that lets me trigger callback functions on common events such as "user clicks next" or "image loads"
  • degrades gracefully without javascript, either displays images as a list, or just displays the first image in the list
  • bonus: The gallery can display other content, such as video or external sites, like the modal boxes at
  • well documented
  • minimal bandwidth requirement - .js file should be ~10kb minified
  • bonus: The gallery source is hosted on a reliable CDN like google's
  • bonus: Thumbnails for images do not appear until the main image has loaded
  • bonus: includes ability to set parameters with JSON to change common behaviours, such as slide/fade transitions or automatic image switch every X seconds

try these

link 1

link 2

link 3

link 4

link 5

thanks for typing "image gallery" into google without addressing my question whatsoever.One of the galleries you just "recommended" is Galleria.Most of those free solutions require excessive CSS styling to make them attractive, or don't handle preloading particularly well.Please read through my requirements carefully and suggest no more than 3 specific options.
David Meister
FYI i got these off my delicious bookmarks. i've used most of these solutions and they don't require excessive CSS styling. maybe you should have added a 'beginner' tag for your question.
I'm not here to argue. I'm here for a solution.If you've indeed used most of these, what is your experience with them? Which one answers my question the best? Why did you even need to try most of them? if the first one met your needs, you'd have stuck with it.You haven't answered my question, the links you've posted do not address what I've asked, they're just typical "round-ups" that feature a mishmash of lightboxes, galleries, slideshows. I'm looking for something that functions like galleria but is actively maintained.What about preloading?? that's really the main concern I have.
David Meister
FYI, I'd consider anything that looks horrendous with zero CSS styling because it has bright red tabs, or wide gray padding to be "excessive". If I want a specific style, I'll make it, but I don't want to feel embarrassed showing a client the gallery with default styling. I don't know, maybe you have too many hours in your day.
David Meister
i wish. i'm stuck with 24 :)

Galleriffic appears to be the best bet.

David Meister