




Hey all,

I try to use single quotes as much as possible and I've noticed that I can't use \n in single quotes. I know I can just enter a newline literally by pressing return, but that screws up the indentation of my code.. Is there some ASCII character or something that I can type that will produce newline when I'm using single quotes?

Thanks! Matt Mueller

+10  A: 

No, because single-quotes even inhibit hex code replacement.

echo 'Hello, world!' . "\n";
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
Ah ok.. I was hoping I wouldn't have to resort to that.. Thanks!
Matt:please accept the answer once you are done.
yessir. He answered it in under 10 min. I had to wait till then to accept, then I forgot about it haha.
+1  A: 

If you are echoing to a browser, you can use <br/> with your statement:

echo 'Will print a newline<br/>';
echo 'But this wont!';
Anthony Forloney
Unfortunately its more for terminal purposes.. thanks for your response though.
Not a problem, good luck.
Anthony Forloney
+1  A: 

You may want to consider using <<<


this is some
random text
that I'm typing 
here and I will end it with the 
same word I started it with

More info at: http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php

Btw - Some Coding environments don't know how to handle the above syntax.

Ah yes... but I still HATE the fact that VARIABLE at the end breaks all indentation in your code... I have ran into so many (stupid) errors using HEREDOC syntax

No, according to documentation, PHP recognize no special symbol in single quotes. And there is no single reason to use single quotes as much as possible

Col. Shrapnel
There is a slight performance increase to using single quotes. Also, it seems like a good practice to explicitly define when you want variables to be replaced.
Jackson Miller
@Jackson there is **no** performance increase. By any means. Forget these childish rumors. And no, do talk not of variables, but of special sequences. If you want any sequence, a variable or a newline to be expanded - use double quotes, **on it's purpose**. And OP's refusing to use it on it's purpose is nonsense.
Col. Shrapnel

The only escape sequence you can use in single quotes is for the single quote itself.

$foo = 'That\'s great';

The only way you could insert a new line into a string created with single quotes is to insert a literal newline

$bar = 'That\'s
Alan Storm
+2  A: 

FYI it is possible to get newlines into strings without double quotes:

printf('Please%1$sgive%1$sme%1$snewlines%1$s', PHP_EOL);

Which may be useful If your irrational fear of double quotes knows no bounds. Though I fear this cure may be worse than the disease.

It's not a fear.. you just get better performance when you use single quotes, so I try to use them more often then not.. but yah, this isn't really a great solution for this problem, its more trouble than its worth. Thanks.
+2  A: 

echo 'hollow world' . PHP_EOL ;

Then it is OS independent too.
