




What options are there for producing audio in a GWT app? I'm thinking of making a simple game, but I'm disappointed to see that there's still not much progress on audio support directly in GWT (yes, I realize that's largely due to lack of underlying browser support; looking forward to HTML5!)

This blog post says that "audio support in GWT is rapidly evolving", yet I don't see updates in over a year, at least not at that site. It seems these are the available options:

I believe most of these (all of them?) rely on Flash to produce audio. I'm most inclined to go with the GWT Incubator, as that's where features slated for inclusion in GWT get started, but I've no real recommendations to go on. I would appreciate hearing about your experiences with any of these libraries, thanks.

+1  A: 

GWT Voices is written by Fred Sauer. He seems to be very closely affiliated with GWT. I've used his drag and drop code before, and found it quite well documented and frequently updated. Also, he seems responsive to questions in the forum. (I have no affiliation!)

I don't know anything about the others.

Ditto for me on Fred's code. I used his drag great stuff.
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