



Consider the following example:

struct Scanner
    template <typename T>
    T get();

template <>
string Scanner::get()
    return string("string");

template <>
int Scanner::get()
    return 10;

int main()
    Scanner scanner;
    string s = scanner.get<string>();
    int i = scanner.get<int>();

The Scanner class is used to extract tokens from some source. The above code works fine, but fails when I try to get other integral types like a char or an unsigned int. The code to read these types is exactly the same as the code to read an int. I could just duplicate the code for all other integral types I'd like to read, but I'd rather define one function template for all integral types.

I've tried the following:

struct Scanner
    template <typename T>
    typename enable_if<boost::is_integral<T>, T>::type get();

Which works like a charm, but I am unsure how to get Scanner::get<string>() to function again. So, how can I write code so that I can do scanner.get<string>() and scanner.get<any integral type>() and have a single definition to read all integral types?

Update: bonus question: What if I want to accept more than one range of classes based on some traits? For example: how should I approach this problem if I want to have three get functions that accept (i) integral types (ii) floating point types (iii) strings, respectively.

+3  A: 

Defer to another template. Here's the general pattern for what you want:

template <typename T, bool HasTrait = false>
struct scanner_impl;

template <typename T>
struct scanner_impl
    // Implement as though the trait is false

template <typename T>
struct scanner_impl<true>
    // Implement as though the trait is true

// This is the one the user uses
template <typename T>
struct scanner : scanner_impl<T, typename has_my_trait<T>::value>
Kaz Dragon
Good idea to add indirection this way. Maybe it would become even more flexible if you don't use a `bool`, but an `enum` as trait-switch.
@xtofl: Yep. That would answer for the bonus question too.
Kaz Dragon
+8  A: 
struct Scanner
    template <typename T>
    typename boost::enable_if<boost::is_integral<T>, T>::type get()
        return 10;
    template <typename T>
    typename boost::disable_if<boost::is_integral<T>, std::string>::type get()
        return "string";

Update "What if I want to accept more than one range of classes based on some traits?"

struct Scanner
    template <typename T>
    typename boost::enable_if<boost::is_integral<T>, T>::type get()
        return 10;

    template <typename T>
    typename boost::enable_if<boost::is_floating_point<T>, T>::type get()
        return 11.5;

    template <typename T>
    std::string get(
          typename boost::disable_if<boost::is_floating_point<T>, T>::type* = 0, 
          typename boost::disable_if<boost::is_integral<T>, T>::type* = 0)

        return std::string("string");
I would remark that you could probably use the `boost::mpl::and_` and `boost::mpl::or_` to combine the arguments in `disable_if`. +1 nonetheless :)
Matthieu M.
You could also use `ice_and` and `ice_or` from the Boost library.
James McNellis