In Microsoft Oslo SDK CTP 2008 (using Intellipad) the following code compiles fine:
module T {
type A {
Id : Integer32 = AutoNumber();
} where identity Id;
As : A*;
type B {
Id : Integer32 = AutoNumber();
// A : A;
// } where A in As && identity Id;
} where identity Id;
Bs : B*;
type C {
Id : Integer32 = AutoNumber();
B : B;
} where B in Bs && identity Id;
Cs : C*;
and results in the following Reach SQL output:
set xact_abort on;
begin transaction;
set ansi_nulls on;
create schema [T];
create table [T].[As]
[Id] int not null identity,
constraint [PK_As] primary key clustered ([Id])
create table [T].[Bs]
[Id] int not null identity,
constraint [PK_Bs] primary key clustered ([Id])
create table [T].[Cs]
[Id] int not null identity,
[B] int not null,
constraint [PK_Cs] primary key clustered ([Id]),
constraint [FK_Cs_B_T_Bs] foreign key ([B]) references [T].[Bs] ([Id])
commit transaction;
But after changing the commented line in module T as follows
A : A;
} where A in As && identity Id;
// } where identity Id;
the error message "M2037: SQL Generation Internal Error: Missing generator for variable 'A'" is displayed (in Intellipad's Reach SQL Window).
Any Ideas?
Regards, tamberg