



I want to be able to find and highlight a string within a string BUT I no not want to remove the space.

So if my original string is :

There are 12 monkeys

I want to find '12 mon' and highlight those characters ending up with :

There are < font color='red' >12 mon< /font >keys

BUT I also want the same result if I search for '12mon' (no space this time)

This has really bent my mind! I'm sure it can be done with Regex.

+1  A: 

You could regex for 1\s?2\s?m\s?o\s?n\s?

You'd need to write a function to generate the regex, but it shouldn't be too hard. Notice I didn't use include the actual space when I created the regex...

Martin Milan
But maybe you need the '*' quantifier instead of the '?' to account for multiple spaces.
Hans Kesting
@Hans - Possibly - it's not clear from the question...
Martin Milan
@Martin - that's why I said "maybe", but I should have mentioned that explicitly.
Hans Kesting

It's fast enough, this is a lot neater: just search both the original string and this one:

originalString.ToCharArray().Where(c => !Char.IsWhiteSpace(c));

I imagine most processing time will be spent re-building your HTML string anyways, so the cost of parsing to char array shouldn't be a major issue.

+1. But why can't you use this method instead newString = originalString.Replace(" ", "");
+3  A: 

Use * to specify that spaces are optional and use Replace method of Regex class:

var input = "There are 12 monkeys";

var result = Regex.Replace(input, @"12\s*mon", @"<font color='red'>$0</font>");

And the result is:

There are <font color='red'>12 mon</font>keys
Konstantin Spirin
I have deleted my response in support of this which was basically the same answer. no point in duplicate answers.
krystan honour

Konstantin's answer doesn't account for if the space is somewhere else. So instead I would take the input the user wants to search for and insert "\w*' in every position and that way any possible search can be found.

var searchTerm = "eare1";
var input = "There are 12 monkeys";
var result = Regex.Replace(input, @"e\s*a\s*r\s*e\s*1", @"<font color='red'>$0</font>");

And the result is:

Ther<font color='red'>e are 1</font>2 monkeys