


+5  Q: 

Iterating backward

Suppose I have a vector<int> myvec and I want to loop through all of the elements in reverse. I can think of a few ways of doing this:

for (vector<int>::iterator it = myvec.end() - 1; it >= myvec.begin(); --it)
    // do stuff here

for (vector<int>::reverse_iterator rit = myvec.rbegin(); rit != myvec.rend(); ++rit)
    // do stuff here

for (int i = myvec.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
    // do stuff here

So my question is when should I use each? Is there a difference? I know that the first one is dangerous because if I pass in an empty vector, then myvec.end() - 1 is undefined, but are there any other hazards or inefficiencies with this?

+10  A: 

The reverse_iterator version shows intent and works across all containers, regardless of their contents.

The first has the deficiency you describe. It also uses >=, which won't work for non-random-access iterators.

The third has the problem that i is an int. It won't be able to hold as much as size() could potentially return. Making it unsigned works (vector<int>::size_type), but then we have the same problem as solution one. (0U - 1 -> Funky terminating checks -> :|)

"It also uses >=, which won't work for non-random-access iterators.". That's OK, neither does `end() -1` ;-)
Steve Jessop
+1. When a library provides functionality explicitly designed to perform a task, you usually should use it when trying to perform the same task.
@Steve: Heh, true. I was thinking `end()--` which works for bidirectional iterators.
+1  A: 

Always use the second. The first you ruled out yourself, and the third doesn't work for lists and such.

+3  A: 

Personally, I'd go with the second one.

As you indicate the first one requires you to wrap the loop in an if (!myvec.empty()) to avoid undefined behaviour.

For the last one, you should probably be using a vector<int>::size_type or size_t, in which case the >= 0 is wrong, you would need to do != (size_t)-1 or similar.

The reverse_iterator version is, therefore, cleaner.

Charles Bailey
+2  A: 

As to the first version, you will also inevitably end up decrementing the begin() iterator at the end of a loop (undefined behavior).

The reverse_iterator was made for this.

The third might work somewhat better if you used the somewhat more controversial form:

for (size_t i = vec.size(); i --> 0; )

This could be an idiom if people would stop resisting. It uses a suitable counter type (unsigned), and contains mnemonics for easy memorizing and recognizing.

Hey, the goes-to operator!
+1 for the warning against _decrementing the begin() iterator_
Alexandre Jasmin
+7  A: 

Generally none of the above. Instead, you should usually sit back and relax for a few seconds, figure out which algorithm you want to apply, and forget about writing a loop yourself at all. Chances are that you'll use reverse_iterator with it, but depending on what you're trying to accomplish that won't always be the case (e.g., see std::copy_backwards).

Jerry Coffin
+1  A: 

There's a fourth option (not necessarily a good option, but it exists). You can use bidirectional/random access iterators in a fashion that mimics how reverse iterators are implemented to avoid the problem with myvec.end()-1 on an empty iterator:

for (vector<int>::iterator it = myvec.end(); it != myvec.begin(); --it)
    // convert the loop controlling iterator to something that points
    //  to the item we're really referring to

    vector<int>::iterator true_it = it;

    // do stuff here
    //  but always dereference `true_it` instead of `it`
    //  this is essentially similar to the way a reverse_iterator 
    //  generally works

    int& x = *true_it;

or even:

for (vector<int>::iterator it = myvec.end(); it != myvec.begin();)
    // decrement `it` before the loop executes rather than after
    //  it's a bit non-idiomatic, but works

    int& x = *it;

    // do stuff...

Like I said, this is not necessarily a good option (I think Jerry Coffin's answer is the approach you should look to first), but I think it's of interest since it shows how reverse iterators work behind the scenes - and it avoids having to convert a reverse_iterator to a iterator for those times when you might want to use the iterator with something that won't accept a reverse_iterator (converting reverse_iterators to iterators always seems to make my head hurt, so I'll often avoid reverse_iterators to avoid headaches). For example, if you want to call insert() for the location a reverse iterator is referring to:

// if `it` is a reverse iterator, a call to insert might have to look something like:

myvec.insert( --(it.base()), 42 );  // assume that you know the current vector capacity
                                    //  will avoid a reallocation, so the loop's 
                                    //  iterators won't be invalidated

// if `it` is a normal iterator...

myvec.insert( it, 42 );
Michael Burr