



What is the correct interpretation of the following segfault messages?

segfault at 10 ip 00007f9bebcca90d sp 00007fffb62705f0 error 4 in[7f9beb83a000+f6f000]
segfault at 10 ip 00007fa44d78890d sp 00007fff43f6b720 error 4 in[7fa44d2f8000+f6f000]
segfault at 11 ip 00007f2b0022acee sp 00007fff368ea610 error 4 in[7f2aff9f7000+f6f000]
segfault at 11 ip 00007f24b21adcee sp 00007fff7379ded0 error 4 in[7f24b197a000+f6f000]
+5  A: 

Hmm. 4 is EINTR (interrupted system call). It may be that libQtWebKit is habitually mishandling that error, or it may be that there's something else that's going on.

If this were a program, not a shared library

Run addr2line -e yourSegfaultingProgram 00007f9bebcca90d (and repeat for the other instruction pointer values given) to see where the error is happening. Better, get a debug-instrumented build, and reproduce the problem under a debugger such as gdb.

Since it's a shared library

You're hosed, unfortunately; it's not possible to know where the libraries were placed in memory by the dynamic linker after-the-fact. Reproduce the problem under gdb.

What the error means

Here's the breakdown of the fields:

  • address - the location in memory the code is trying to access (it's likely that 10 and 11 are offsets from a pointer we expect to be set to a valid value but which is instead pointing to 0)
  • ip - instruction pointer, ie. where the code which is trying to do this lives
  • sp - stack pointer
  • error - value of errno, ie. last error code which was reported by a syscall
Charles Duffy
Excellent answer! Thanks!


I tried to use the tool addr2line, but I was not able to get the line number as expected.

I just got the following output:


I used the command:

bash$ addr2line -e myprog 00000000004004d4

I got the address from the system log file as indicated above.

