




There is 2 function that i want to make here, and yes it still messy. The idea is how to make a parent and child situation. The first element that is generate using append will show a button that will create child(this work). And then i added jquery dialog ui as a way to input value by append it to the parent and the child element, i have success on the parent element but not in the child element

##Button Generate Parent element
<button name="add_polis_prop" id="add_polis_prop" onclick="checkValue()" class="common-button blue fright" value="add_polis_prop">Next</button>
##Generate The parent
//Generate Main Section
    $('#add_prop_insured').bind('click', function(){
    var numMain     = $('.content-object').length;
    var newNumMain  = new Number(numMain + 1);

        //if numMain value not 4
        if (numMain == '6'){

                "<div class='content-object border-gray01 border-radius-common fix'>"+
                    "<p class='fix'>"+
                        "<input type='button' title='"+newNumMain+"' class='add_sub common-button fright blue' value='Tambah Sub'/>"+
                        "<input type='button' class='remove_main01 fright common-button blue' value='Remove'/>"+
                        "<a href='#' class='toggleLink common-link blue' style='margin:0 0 0 20px'>"+showText+"</a>"+
                    "<div class='toggle'>"+
                    "<p id='prop_obj"+newNumMain+"'>"+
                        "<input type='hidden' class='section"+newNumMain+"' name='' value='"+newNumMain+"'/>"+
                        "<span class='dials'>"+
                        "<a href='#' id='dial-"+newNumMain+"' title='"+newNumMain+"' class='common-link'>Add Object</a></p>"+
                        "<div class='result_object-"+newNumMain+"'></div>"+
                    "<p class='fix'>"+
                        "<input type='button' title='"+newNumMain+"' class='add-sub-"+newNumMain+" common-button fright blue' value='Tambah Sub'/>"+
                        //"<a href='#' class='add_sub common-link blue' title='"+newNumMain+"' style='margin:0 0 0 20px'>Add Sub</a>"+
                        "<input type='button' class='remove_main01 fright common-button blue' value='Remove'/>"+
                    "<div class='results_prop_subs_"+newNumMain+"'></div>"+
            )//end append

            // hide all of the elements with a class of 'toggle'
        }//end if
    })//end function
## Generate Child Element
    //Generate Sub Sections
    $('[class^=add-sub]').live('click', function(){     
        var theLink = $(this).attr('title');
        var numSubs01   = $('.subs').length;
        var section01   = $(".section1").val();
        var newNumSubs01    = new Number(numSubs01 + 1);

        if (newNumSubs01 == '6'){
            $('.results_prop_subs_'+ theLink).append(

            "<div class='subs' style='padding:10px'>"+

            "<p id='prop_obj-"+theLink+newNumSubs01+"'>"+
                "<input type='hidden' class='subsection"+theLink+"' name='' value='"+theLink+"'/>"+
                "<span class='subdials'>"+
                "<a href='#' id='subdial-"+theLink+newNumSubs01+"' title='"+theLink+newNumSubs01+"' class='common-link'>Add Object</a></p>"+
                "<div class='sub_result_object-"+theLink+newNumSubs01+"'></div>"+
            "<input type='button' class='remove_sub_1 fright common-button blue' value='Remove'/>"+

            $('.remove_sub_1').live('click', function(){
            //Hack So The Show And Hide Can Work


    /*Show Hide All Note*/

    var showText='Show Note';
    var hideText='Hide Note';

    // initialise the visibility check
    var is_visible = false;

    // capture clicks on the toggle links
    $('a.toggleLink').live('click', function() {

    // switch visibility
    is_visible = !is_visible;

    // change the link depending on whether the element is shown or hidden
    $(this).html( (!is_visible) ? showText : hideText);

    // toggle the display - uncomment the next line for a basic "accordion" style

    // return false so any link destination is not followed
    return false;

##Add dialog to parent(this work)
    /*Generate Jquery Dialog For Inserting Objek Pertanggungan On Main Section*/
    $('.dials a').live('click', function() {
    var $link = $(this);
    var $links = $link.attr('title');---->this return the value i needed
    var options = {
    autoOpen: false,
    height: 300,
    width: 600,
    modal: true,
    buttons: {
            'Add Object': function(){
                    $('.bla :checkbox:checked').each(function() {
alert($links);---->this return the value i needed
                            "<div class='theobjects'>"+
                            "<input type='hidden' class='op_type_id' name='object["+$links+"][op_type_id]' value='" +
                             "<a class='remove' style='margin:0 0 0 20px'>remove</a>"+
                    $('.bla :checkbox:checked').attr('checked', '');


            'Cancel': function(){

    //Show the dialog
        var $dlgs = $('#dialog-' + $links).dialog(options);
            return false;

    //remove the object
    $('a.remove').live('click', function(){
##Generate Dialog for child element(this not work)
$('.subdials a').live('click', function() {
    var $link = $(this);
    var $links = $link.attr('title');

    alert($links);---->this return the value i needed
    var options = {
    autoOpen: false,
    height: 300,
    width: 600,
    modal: true,
    buttons: {
            'Add Object': function(){
                    $('.bla :checkbox:checked').each(function() {
                        alert($links);---->this doesn't return the value i needed 
                            "<div class='theobjects'>"+
                            "<input type='hidden' class='op_type_id' name='object["+$links+"][op_type_id]' value='" +
                             "<a class='remove' style='margin:0 0 0 20px'>remove</a>"+
                    $('.bla :checkbox:checked').attr('checked', '');


            'Cancel': function(){

    //Show the dialog
        var $dlgs = $('#subdialog').dialog(options);
            return true;

    //remove the object
    $('a.remove').live('click', function(){