I have 2 colors #DCE7FA and #CADBF7. Want the intermediate color(a kind of Arithmetic mean).
Hexadecimal arithmetic median does not work.
How to proceed?
I have 2 colors #DCE7FA and #CADBF7. Want the intermediate color(a kind of Arithmetic mean).
Hexadecimal arithmetic median does not work.
How to proceed?
Yes the normal hex median wont work.. !!
try spliting to to R, G , B and find individual medians..
r1 = DC ; r2 = CA
g1 = E7 ; g2 = DB
b1 = FA ; b2 = F7
now find individual medians..
r3 = (r1+r2)/2 = D3 ;
g3 = E1
b3 = F5
now ur intermediate color = #D3E1F5..
Found an online tool: http://www.colortools.net/color_combination.html