




I have a problem binding List to a DataGrid element. I've created a class that implements INotifyPropertyChange and keeps list of orders:

public class Order : INotifyPropertyChanged

    private String customerName;

    public String CustomerName
        get { return customerName; }
        set { 
                customerName = value;

    private List<String> orderList = new List<string>();

    public List<String> OrderList
        get { return orderList; }
        set { 
                orderList = value;

    public void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

In xaml a have a simple DataGrid component that Binds the OrderList element:

<data:DataGrid x:Name="OrderList" ItemsSource="{**Binding OrderList**, Mode=TwoWay}" Height="500" Width="250" Margin="0,0,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Center" 

I also have a button in GUI taht adds a element to OrderList:


The DataContext is set to the global object:

      Order order = new Order();
      OrderList.DataContext = order;

The problem is that when i Click the button, the item does not apear in dataGrid. It apears after a click on a grid row. It seams like INotifyPropertyChange does not work... What am I doing wrong??

Please HELP:)

+2  A: 

INotifyPropertyChange is working fine, since your code to Add a new item to the existing List does not actually re-assign a new value to the OrderList property (that is the set routine is never called) there is no call to NotifyPropertyChanged. Try it like this:-

public class Order : INotifyPropertyChanged 

    private String customerName; 

    public String CustomerName 
        get { return customerName; } 
        set {  
                customerName = value; 

    private ObservableCollection<String> orderList = new ObservableCollection<String>(); 

    public ObservableCollection<String> OrderList 
        get { return orderList; } 


    public void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName) 
        if (PropertyChanged != null) 
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); 

The ObservableCollection<T> type supports informing INotifyCollectionChanged which will inform the DataGrid when items are added to or removed from the collection.

Thank you very much. That works great:)