



I am doing on a project to built automatic GUI testing for graphical application in .NET. I will use C# but i am trying to reading to get some ideas. But I don't have any idea on how to record and replay back. So can you give me your ideas.


Selenium RC!

There is also the TFS Test that has web tests, which tie into load test. Nice platform, but if you are not already using TFS then it is not worth it.

Dustin Laine

Frankly, I don't think there is a good answer out there for this. There are two options, however, that work okay:

  1. Visual Studio Test Edition (as durilai suggested)
  2. Telerik's Web Testing (both a free version and a version with a cost but depending on your UI, this may or may not work)
  • Selenium
  • Watin

    are some options that come to mind


A good (commercial) C#-based product is Ranorex, it may do what you need.


To test C# apps there are a few things we have had success with:

  1. PowerShell
  2. TestPlant

and possibly would be the new VSTS 2010 features, though we haven't tried them

+1  A: 

Here's a blog from the visual studio team that goes over this exact topic. It's about how they tested pre-wpf and post-wpf.

This post covers an overview of techniques that we used to create and maintain automated user interface regression tests for Visual Studio. Regression tests are a type of software test that, collectively, aim to be an oracle of expected functionality for the target application, run often against new builds of product – they aim to uncover regressions in behavior introduced in a new build.

Visual Studio Blog

Trevor Abell