



I have a script im writing. Here is whats happening. There is a while loop. In the while loop is a variable which is constant to X. How do i make X change from line one, line two, etc for each cycle of the while loop and pull X from a .txt file. Everything is in root. Thanks

+1  A: 

Here is the pseudo code captain Kirk:

//we assume current working directory is root
fileHandle = openFile("Read","some.txt");
X = pull("X",fileHandle);

while( X is constant )
  XFactor = factor(X);

I can refine and improve this with more details about what universe you are from, the programming language you intend to use, and more specifics about what you want to happen.

I feel kind of bad for voting this up, but I laughed out loud.
Matti Virkkunen
+2  A: 
$f = fopen("some.txt", "r");
while (!feof($f) && $some_condition) {
    $x = fgets($f);
    // do something

Would this be sufficient?

Matti Virkkunen
//get the lines of the file into an array
$file_array = file($file_name);

//go through the array line by line
foreach ($file_array as $line_number => $line)
  //you didn't tell us what you are doing with each line
  //so you will need to change this to your liking
  $X = $line; // Handle the line

Edit: Note for very large files this may not be a good approach because this will load the entire file into memory at one time.
