



I am making a twiki website and I am stuck with a problem. The users have access to write the files. So, I want to include Report Abuse option so that in case of vandalism of someone the thing can be corrected as soon as possible. Also, I am facing one more problem that someone told me that while editing the code the person can change the read/write permissions for the other users. And obviously, that wouldn't be something that I am expecting from Twiki. C'mon there must be some way of moderation in twiki to ensure thatthere is no undesirable content.

+1  A: 
  • The users have access to write the files.
    No, they can edit the pages, if you let them, this is controlled by the WebPreferences page (from memory)

  • Since you have version control underlying the wiki pages they can be rolled back in case of vandalism.

  • that while editing the code the person can change the read/write permissions for the other users
    The access rights for an indiv user can be set on the page and per page, but it doesn't have to be. If you don't trust your users to be nice, don't allow them to edit or place the access rights somewhere else (WebPreferences again)!

  • obviously, that wouldn't be something that I am expecting from Twiki.
    go to and learn what TWiki can and cannot do. Some of your irritation is understandable but stems from your missconception what a wiki site is, it is not a moderated forum, it's a collaboration!

  • some way of moderation in twiki depend on your understanding of "moderation". Generally wiki sites tend to rely on some 'well meaning spirits' that clean up behind less informed individuals.

I just installed FOSWIKI, a TWIKI fork, on my EEE Box to refresh my memory.
You need to familiarize yourself with AccessControl (see <YourTWikiRoot>/System/AccessControl)
Access Rights for users and groups can be assigned/managed in ways similar to Linux/Unix.
Access Rights can be defined

  • site-wide (in /System/WebPreferences/)
  • or 'web' by 'web' (/System is a web, / also)
  • or on a page by page basis,

this last being what you seem to know about and want to avoid.

I want my users to have the write permissions but don't want them to play with the read/write permissions of the other users.Secondly, I want to include a report abuse button in my website. How can I do that?Thanks in advance for replying
@user269776: look here
i have already read it but couldn't find for the answer to my problem.. by the way placing the access rights somewhere else
@abhishekgupta92: see update
no my problem is if i define permissions on a page by page basis... can they be overridden by the users.. like they can use variables to override write permissions to guest group
@abhishekgupta92: Setting the permissions on a page by page basis will permit who-ever is able to edit that page to change the permissions. You stated that in your original post and it's by design. If you cannot trust your editors to not break the permissions of the pages they may edit, then you cannot permit them to edit the pages at all .. or you must set the permissions in another way, e.g. by creating a restricted sub-web. I'm afraid there is no way to wiggle out..