F#, 267 chars
A lot of answers are starting with blanks and adding *
s, but I think it may be easier to start with a starfield and add whitespace.
let n=int(System.Console.ReadLine())-2
let mutable x,y,d,A=n,n,[|1;0;-1;0|],
Array.init(n)(fun _->System.Text.StringBuilder(String.replicate(n+2)"*"))
for i=1 to n do for j=1 to(n-i+1)-i%2 do x<-x+d.[i%4];y<-y+d.[(i+1)%4];A.[y].[x]<-' '
For those looking for insight into how I golf, I happened to save a lot of progress along the way, which I present here with commentary. Not every program is quite right, but they're all honing in on a shorter solution.
First off, I looked for a pattern of how to paint the white:
* *
* ***** *
* * * *
* *** * *
* * *
******* *
* *
* ******* *
* * * *
* * *** * *
* * * * *
* ***** * *
* * *
********* *
Ok, I see it. First program:
let Main() =
let n=int(System.Console.ReadLine())
let A=Array2D.create(n-2)n '*'
let mutable x,y,z,i=n-2,n-2,0,n-2
let d=[|0,-1;-1,0;0,1;1,0|] // TODO
while i>0 do
for j in 1..i-(if i%2=1 then 1 else 0)do
x<-x+fst d.[z]
y<-y+snd d.[z]
A.[y,x]<-'0'+char j
I know that d
, the tuple-array of (x,y)-diffs-modulo-4 can later be reduced by x and y both indexing into different portions of the same int-array, hence the TODO. The rest is straightforward based on the visual insight into 'whitespace painting'. I'm printing a 2D array, which is not right, need an array of strings, so:
let n=int(System.Console.ReadLine())
let s=String.replicate n "*"
let A=Array.init(n-2)(fun _->System.Text.StringBuilder(s))
let mutable x,y,z,i=n-2,n-2,0,n-2
let d=[|0,-1;-1,0;0,1;1,0|]
while i>0 do
for j in 1..i-(if i%2=1 then 1 else 0)do
x<-x+fst d.[z]
y<-y+snd d.[z]
A.[y].[x]<-' '
for i in 0..n-3 do
Ok, now let's change the array of tuples into an array of int:
let n=int(System.Console.ReadLine())-2
let mutable x,y,z,i,d=n,n,0,n,[|0;-1;0;1;0|]
let A=Array.init(n)(fun _->System.Text.StringBuilder(String.replicate(n+2)"*"))
while i>0 do
for j in 1..i-i%2 do x<-x+d.[z];y<-y+d.[z+1];A.[y].[x]<-' '
The let
for A can be part of the previous line. And z
and i
are mostly redundant, I can compute one in terms of the other.
let n=int(System.Console.ReadLine())-2
let mutable x,y,d,A=n,n,[|0;-1;0;1|],
Array.init(n)(fun _->System.Text.StringBuilder(String.replicate(n+2)"*"))
for i=n downto 1 do for j in 1..i-i%2 do x<-x+d.[(n-i)%4];y<-y+d.[(n-i+1)%4];A.[y].[x]<-' '
is long, re-do the math so I can go (up) to
in the loop.
let n=int(System.Console.ReadLine())-2
let mutable x,y,d,A=n,n,[|1;0;-1;0|],
Array.init(n)(fun _->System.Text.StringBuilder(String.replicate(n+2)"*"))
for i=1 to n do for j in 1..(n-i+1)-i%2 do x<-x+d.[i%4];y<-y+d.[(i+1)%4];A.[y].[x]<-' '
A little more tightening yields the final solution.