



Can anyone suggest a performance analysis tool that runs on win32 on a native c++ app?

How about one that runs on Windows Mobile?

Thank you.

+1  A: 

I've used Very Sleepy with success on my Win32 hobby projects. I don't know if it runs on Windows mobile.

Sleepy has a fatal flaw that it requires you to pick a thread up front. It doesn't consider (and profile) new threads that get spawned due to a 'work request' -- something that happens in a lot of server-type applications.
And god forbid you want to profile startup time :) It's quite useful for everything else though. +1
Billy ONeal
+1  A: 

I use IBM Rational Quantify at work and it does the job pretty well. Though it is not cheap by any stretch of the imagination.

+2  A: 

The Visual Studio Team System Profiler is excellent. A VSTS subscription runs about $5k or so, so it's not particularly cheap. Easy to use + good results + Visual Studio integration = well worth it, in my humble opinion.

You can try Luke Stackwalker. I have not yet tried using it, so I can't actually recommend it, but it looks promising. It's also free.

James McNellis
Indeed. The best profiler I've used. (VSTS)