



Anyone know why this wsdl is not liked by the mono wsdl tool? Microsoft parses it. XMethods online wsdl validator parses it. Mono just doesn't seem to like it and I do not know enough to understand why.

# the error
mmcaughan@mmcaughan-dsktop:~/Projects/sftest$ wsdl enterprise.wsdl
Web Services Description Language Utility
Mono Framework v2.0.50727.1433

There where some warnings while generating the code:

enterprise.wsdl - This web reference does not conform to WS-I Basic Profile v1.1 R2718: A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST have the same set of wsdl:operations as the wsdl:portType to which it refers. * Binding 'SoapBinding', in Service Description ''

Writing file 'SforceService.cs'

relevant WSDL parts (I think)

  <!-- Soap PortType -->
    <portType name="Soap">
        <operation name="login">
            <documentation>Login to the SOAP Api</documentation>
            <input message="tns:loginRequest"/>
            <output message="tns:loginResponse"/>
            <fault message="tns:LoginFault" name="LoginFault"/>
            <fault message="tns:UnexpectedErrorFault" name="UnexpectedErrorFault"/>
            <fault message="tns:InvalidIdFault" name="InvalidIdFault"/>

 <!-- Soap Binding -->
    <binding name="SoapBinding" type="tns:Soap">
        <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/&gt;
        <operation name="login">
            <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
                <soap:header use="literal" message="tns:Header" part="LoginScopeHeader"/>
                <soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
                <soap:body use="literal"/>
            <fault name="LoginFault">
                <soap:fault name="LoginFault" use="literal"/>
            <fault name="UnexpectedErrorFault">
                <soap:fault name="UnexpectedErrorFault" use="literal"/>
            <fault name="InvalidIdFault">
                <soap:fault name="InvalidIdFault" use="literal"/>