




I have a combo box on my form with the choice of choosing organization 10, 20, 30....

I have added ALL to the combo list box, but am having trouble implementing an all statement in VBA. Below is the case statement I have to get info from organizations 10, 20, 30. How do I get ALL to generate??

Case Is = 1
    If cboOrg.ListIndex < 0 Then
        Call msg("Please select your organization!")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    sQ = sQ & " CC LIKE '" & cboOrg.Value & "*'"
    ORGCC = Trim(cboOrg.Value)
+1  A: 

I think you should only generate the WHERE/AND-clause, when value is not "ALL" (instead of your current assignment):

If (cboOrg.Value <> "ALL") Then
    sQ = sQ & " AND CC LIKE '" & cboOrg.Value & "*'"
End If

To make it work without changing code before (generating AND or WHERE), you could try:

If (cboOrg.Value <> "ALL") Then
    sQ = sQ & " CC LIKE '" & cboOrg.Value & "*'"
    sQ = sQ & " 1=1"
End If

Do you really need the LIKE (does CC only start with the value selected) or would
WHERE CC = '" & cboOrg.Value & "'" be sufficient?

Peter Lang
No i dont really need the like
@Edmond: Then I'd remove it, this will make your code easier to read and could improve performance. What about the rest of my answer?
Peter Lang
Please check my updated answer. If this does not help, please edit your question to provide the code before (generating `sQ`) and the query that is generated.
Peter Lang
Here is most of the code

Private Sub cmdGo_Click()

Dim db As Database, rs As Recordset, sQ As String

Dim oXL, oExcel As Object

Set oXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

fPath = "\\firework\mmcfin\123files\Edmond\Lawson Query\Log\"

myTime = Now()

myFile = Environ("UserName") & "-" & Environ("ComputerName") & "-" & Replace(Replace(Replace(Trim(myTime), "/", "-"), " ", "-"), ":", "-")

pTitle = "Lawson Queries"

Set db = CurrentDb

Select Case cboActBud.ListIndex

    Case Is < 0
        Call msg("Please select your query type first: Actual or Budget!")
        Exit Sub

    Case Is = 0
        sQ = "SELECT * INTO [" & myFile & "] FROM ACT"
        toAdd = "WHERE"

    Case Is = 1
        sQ = "SELECT * INTO [" & myFile & "] FROM BUD"

        If cboBucket.ListIndex < 0 Then
            Call msg("Please select your budget bucket!")
            Exit Sub


            toAdd = "WHERE BUDGET_NBR = " & cboBucket.Value & " AND"

        End If

End Select

myAcctLo = txtACCT1.Value
myAcctHi = txtACCT2.Value

If IsNull(myAcctLo) Or myAcctLo < 1000 Or myAcctLo > 99999 Then

    Call msg("Account number is missing or invalid!")
    Exit Sub

End If

If IsNull(myAcctHi) Then

    myAcctHi = myAcctLo

End If

If myAcctLo > myAcctHi Then

    Call msg("Account range is invalid!")
    Exit Sub

End If

If myAcctLo < 90000 And myAcctHi >= 90000 Then

    Call msg("You can query amounts or units; but, not both at the same time!")
    Exit Sub

End If

Select Case myAcctLo

    Case Is < 90000: sQ = sQ & "AMT " & toAdd
    Case Is >= 90000: sQ = sQ & "UNT " & toAdd

End Select

Select Case cboLevel.ListIndex

    Case Is < 0
        Call msg("Please select your reporting level: Cost Center or Organization!")
        Exit Sub

    Case Is = 0
        If IsNull(txtCC) Then
            Call msg("Please enter your cost center!")
            Exit Sub
        End If
        sQ = sQ & " CC = " & txtCC.Value
        ORGCC = Trim(txtCC.Value)

    Case Is = 1
        If cboOrg.ListIndex < 0 Then
            Call msg("Please select your organization!")
            Exit Sub
        End If
        sQ = sQ & " CC LIKE '" & cboOrg.Value & "*'"
        ORGCC = Trim(cboOrg.Value)

       If (cboOrg.Value <> "All") Then
        sQ = sQ & " CC LIKE '" & cboOrg.Value & "*'"
        sQ = sQ & " 1=1"
        End If

End Select

If cboYear.ListIndex < 0 Then

    Call msg("Please select an year!")
    Exit Sub

End If

sQ = sQ & " AND FY = " & cboYear.Value & " AND (ACCT >= " & myAcctLo & " AND ACCT <= " & myAcctHi & ")"

DoCmd.Hourglass True

db.Execute sQ

sQ = "INSERT INTO tblLog (UserName, ComputerName, DateAndTime, ORGORCC, ACCT1, ACCT2, BUDGET, FY) VALUES ('" & _
     Environ("UserName") & "','" & Environ("ComputerName") & "',#" & myTime & "#," & ORGCC & "," & myAcctLo & _
     "," & myAcctHi & "," & IIf(cboBucket.ListIndex < 0, 0, Trim(cboBucket.Value)) & "," & Trim(cboYear.Value) & ")"

db.Execute sQ

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, myFile, fPath & myFile, True

With oXL

    .Visible = True
    .Workbooks.Open (fPath & myFile)

End With

Set oXL = Nothing

DoCmd.Hourglass False

Did your query work before? What happens if you call that code? (it would have been better to edit your question instead of posting an answer yourself)
Peter Lang
Yes it did. When I call that code I get an excel spreadsheet with the data from tables. But when I try to add an ALL statement I have syntax errors (missing operator) in query expression 'ALL
Peter Lang
Note that evnronment variables can be spoofed. Open a command prompt, change an environment variable such as user and then start msaccess.exe from that command prompt. Review the appropririate envron variable. Thus API calls are strongly urged.
Tony Toews