I need help with creating a C# method that returns the index of the Nth occurance of a character in a string.
For instance, the 3rd occurance of the character 't'
in the string "dtststx"
is 5.
I need help with creating a C# method that returns the index of the Nth occurance of a character in a string.
For instance, the 3rd occurance of the character 't'
in the string "dtststx"
is 5.
Update: Index of Nth occurance one-liner:
int NthOccurence(string s, char t, int n)
s.TakeWhile(c => n - (c == t)?1:0 > 0).Count();
Use these at your own risk. This looks like homework, so I left a few bugs in there for your to find:
int CountChars(string s, char t)
int count = 0;
foreach (char c in s)
if (s.Equals(t)) count ++;
return count;
int CountChars(string s, char t)
return s.Length - s.Replace(t.ToString(), "").Length;
int CountChars(string s, char t)
Regex r = new Regex("[\\" + t + "]");
return r.Match(s).Count;
Joel's answer is good (and I upvoted it). Here is a LINQ-based solution:
yourString.Where(c => c == 't').Count();
int count = s.Count( c => c == 't' );
where s is a string
After a comment by the OP I think you mean the index of the nth occurrence.
public int GetNthIndex(string s, char t, int n)
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
if (s[i] == t)
if (count == n)
return i;
return -1;
That could be made a lot cleaner, and there are no checks on the input.
Here's another LINQ solution:
string input = "dtststx";
char searchChar = 't';
int occurrencePosition = 3; // third occurrence of the char
var result = input.Select((c, i) => new { Char = c, Index = i })
.Where(item => item.Char == searchChar)
.Skip(occurrencePosition - 1)
if (result != null)
Console.WriteLine("Position {0} of '{1}' occurs at index: {2}",
occurrencePosition, searchChar, result.Index);
Console.WriteLine("Position {0} of '{1}' not found!",
occurrencePosition, searchChar);
Just for fun, here's a Regex solution. I saw some people initially used Regex to count, but when the question changed no updates were made. Here is how it can be done with Regex - again, just for fun. The traditional approach is best for simplicity.
string input = "dtststx";
char searchChar = 't';
int occurrencePosition = 3; // third occurrence of the char
Match match = Regex.Matches(input, Regex.Escape(searchChar.ToString()))
.Skip(occurrencePosition - 1)
if (match != null)
Console.WriteLine("Index: " + match.Index);
Console.WriteLine("Match not found!");
Here is a fun way to do it
int i = 0;
string s="asdasdasd";
int n = 3;
s.Where(b => (b == 'd') && (i++ == n));
return i;
Another RegEx-based solution (untested):
int NthIndexOf(string s, char t, int n) {
if(n < 0) { throw new ArgumentException(); }
if(n==1) { return s.IndexOf(t); }
if(t=="") { return 0; }
string et = RegEx.Escape(t);
string pat = "(?<="
+ Microsoft.VisualBasic.StrDup(n-1, et + @"[.\n]*") + ")"
+ et;
Match m = RegEx.Match(s, pat);
return m.Success ? m.Index : -1;
This should be slightly more optimal than requiring RegEx to create a Matches collection, only to discard all but one match.
public static int FindOccuranceOf(this string str,char @char, int occurance)
var result = str.Select((x, y) => new { Letter = x, Index = y })
.Where(letter => letter.Letter == @char).ToList();
if (occurence > result.Count || occurance <= 0)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("occurance");
return result[occurance-1].Index ;