




I've been wanting to learn python and do some NLP, so have finally gotten round to starting. Downloaded the english wikipedia mirror for a nice chunky dataset to start on, and have been playing around a bit, at this stage just getting some of it into a sqlite db (havent worked with dbs in the past unfort).

But I'm guessing sqlite is not the way to go for a full blown nlp project(/experiment :) - what would be the sort of things I should look at ? HBase (.. and hadoop) seem interesting, i guess i could run then im java, prototype in python and maybe migrate the really slow bits to java... alternatively just run Mysql.. but the dataset is 12gb, i wonder if that will be a problem? Also looked at lucene, but not sure how (other than breaking the wiki articles into chunks) i'd get that to work..

What comes to mind for a really flexible NLP platform (i dont really know at this stage WHAT i want to do.. just want to learn large scale lang analysis tbh) ?

Many thanks.

+3  A: 

NLTK is where you should start from (it's Python-based -- not sure why you're already thinking about parallelizing your processing at such an early stage... start with a more flexible experimental setup, is my advice). sqlite should be fine for a few GB -- if you need more advanced and standard SQL power you could consider postgresql.

Alex Martelli

There is a related talk on PyCon 2010 "The Python and the Elephant: Large Scale Natural Language Processing with NLTK and Dumbo". The link has introductory information, slides and video.
I think sqlite is still a good choice for 12G size data. I have a text classification training set which has the similar size, both sqlite and plain text is fine as long as just iterator it line by line.
