




I'm going to start a new project that's building web apps from scratch.

I have been thinking about using symfony framework for this project.

Should I start using symfony 2.0 or stick with 1.4 ? I estimate this project will be finish on May or June this year but I realise that symfony 2.0 still on development.

Which one I should use ? I want it to be flexible as possible. I heard also that symfony 2.0 faster than the previous one ...

Anyone has experience with symfony 2.0 (beta) for current project ? what do you think ? should I use it or may be should I move to another framework (I consider about kohanaphp as the back up)

+5  A: 

Quoting the "Read and learn" page of the symfony-reloaded website :

Please note that Symfony 2 is not yet ready for production. The final release is planned for late 2010 and will only support PHP 5.3.2. In the meantime, we highly encourage you to use the current symfony 1.4 stable release for all your projects.

If the authors of Symfony themselves say that Symfony 2.0 should not be used now -- well, I suppose you shouldn't use it ;-)

Especially if your project should be finished something like 6 month before the date when SYmfony 2.0 stable will be released !

+1 Beat me to it :)
I know about that, I know also that there is risk on using "not yet ready" one. But I would love to use the latest tech for my project so that in the future I don't need worry about migrating to new 2.0 version.
I understand how you feel ; but using a **Preview release**, which is not even a Beta, for a project that will has to be finished several months before the stable version of the framework... Well... Sounds dangerous to me : what if something big changes before that stable version ? You'll have to migrate from "release" *(with no support)* to "stable" ; it is better than migrating from "stable 1.4" (with support) to "stable 2.0" ?
@nightingale2k1 I agree with Pascal and just in case you are also considering Doctrine 2: same thing. not ready for production yet.