



Which scripting language do you use the most and why? Given the opportunity, which other scripting language would you use and why?

  • Python
  • Groovy
  • Ruby
  • Perl
  • PHP
  • Jython
  • JRuby
  • TCL
  • JACL
  • IronRuby
  • Lua
  • Javascript
  • etc
+1  A: 

PHP - particularly if I need to deal with XML and web services, manipulate graphics, and operate on local files. And there's libraries available for every sort of need.

Scott Evernden
+2  A: 

I don't know if this counts but I use Powershell a far bit, mainly for just scripting things in the file system(basic I know but hey). I would like to learn something like Python or Ruby just for something different.

Nathan W
+6  A: 

I guess it depends on what you mean by "use". Overall, I use javascript the most, because it's really the only game in town for web pages.

As for non-browser stuff: Python, because I'm most familiar with it.

I guess that isn't a really sensational "why", but that's my reason.

I'd like to get more familiar with Ruby, simply because it seems like it is gaining popularity pretty rapidly, and I think it'd be a useful skill to have.

+1  A: 

It depends on your purpose and platform too such as if you are for web development php and Ruby (with Ruby on rails). Also, As far as I understand scripting language refers to language such as Javascript.

+4  A: 

JavaScript - I use it for web development as well as all of my administrative scripting. It is the most powerful language that is already installed on every machine I need to manage. I would love to use python / powershell, but the requirement of deploying another scripting language is a hard sell.

Mike Schall
is it usable as non-browser scripting on windows??
+1  A: 

In order of use, it was recently:

  1. Php
  2. Javascript
  3. Ruby
  4. Python
  5. Perl

I hardly knew perl then, it was a bit confusing, and ruby lacks maturity ( its libraries suck, and sadly, it like php, has a huge community built on novices )

Having finally clicked on perl, here is my 'wanted' heirachy.

  1. Perl
  2. Javascript
  3. Ruby
  4. Python.

Note: no php.

Its going south fast. I would really like to escape all the really dumb ways php works.

Javascript holds its place because it is a wonderfully flexible language. the only thing that /really/ blows with it is inconsistency of implementations.

Kent Fredric
Try Catalyst
Brad Gilbert

Windows batch language :)

Richard A
Poor soul. Need therapy?
It is my therapy - proving the the unbelievers just what can be done with batch language. :)
Richard A
+1  A: 

bash, then python.

Why? Because they're there.

Skip Head
+1  A: 

groovy because it works well with java

Ray Tayek
+3  A: 

Ruby. Minimum pain, maximum gain.

+1  A: 


It's an amazingly flexible and extendable environment. It's also built on top of the CLR so if you're working in a .Net language it can act as a test pool of sorts.


at work it's Python, mostly because of Django, but also because it's cross platform and already installed on sane platforms.

but at home its only Lua and C. Python is practical, but ugly; while Lua is as 'pure' as Scheme and really beautiful code.

C is also lovable because of the solidity of its principles: a structured machine language. expect no more, and won't be disappointed.


OCaml and F# because they are fast and safe.

Jon Harrop
How can a language be safe? You can shoot yourself in the foot with anything you get, no offense meant.
The Wicked Flea

It kinda depends on the purpose of the script.

  • A script in bash can achieve a lot of file manipulation and external program calling.

  • A PHP script can easily load the framework and resources of a website - this is good for database oriented scripts. (This is probably also true for Perl and Ruby but I don't use Perl much or Ruby at all.)

  • Very small text processing that often fits in a 16 character awk or sed script in the middle of a pipe.

  • I usually use Icon for exercises that are more self-contained, like taking input and producing rather different output. Or for things involving lots of explicit files being read and written.


I use ruby because it has some great libraries (watir, tmail) that help me test.

Željko Filipin

I select Javascript.

I use javascript in browser. I use javascript at server side.

Dojo is used in both platforms to help me handle module loading problems.

Rhino and Helma is used in server side. That means, I can use javascript to access ALL java library at server side!

Previously, I use python. Python is very clean, flexible with powerful library! But, I cannot use it in browser's ajax coding!