



I'm studying for an exam and I'm having difficulty with a concept. This is the pseudo code I am given:

int mutex = 0;
do {
  while (TestAndSet(&mutex));
  // critical section
  mutiex = 0;
  // remainder section
} while (TRUE);

My instructor says that only two of the three necessary conditions (mutual exclusion, progress, and bounded waiting) are met with this code, but I don't understand which one isn't being met...??

How should the code be modified to support the missing condition to solve the critical region problem? Thanks in advance for any insight!


Is it because the mutex should be set using atomic LOAD and STORE instructions so that memory access is not reordered? Atomic execution of a set of instructions means that the instructions are treated as a single step that cannot be interrupted.

// example process using mutual exclusion
void process() {
  int mutex;
  init_lock (&mutex);
  do {
    lock (&mutex);
    // critical section
    unlock (&mutex);
    //remainder section
  } while(TRUE);

// mutual exclusion functions
void init_lock (int *mutex) {
  *mutex = 0;

void lock (int *mutex) {

void unlock (int *mutex) {
  *mutex = 0;

int TestAndSet(*target) {
  int rv = *target;
  *target = 1;
  return rv;

Just looking at it, it appears that the functions do the same thing as the sample code posted earlier, but I guess this way ensures mutual exclusion because the functions operating on *target are atomic...??

Excuse any typos...

Dan Mantyla

If anybody sees this looking for the answer, the above code does not support bounded waiting (there must be a bound on the amount of time a process has to wait). This is the correct code to ensure all three conditions are met to ensure synchronyzation using SetAndTest:

  waiting[i] = TRUE;
  key = TRUE;
  while(waiting[i] && key)
    key = TestAndSet(&lock);
  waiting[i] = FALSE;

  // Critical Section

  j = (i + 1) % n;
  while ((j != i) && !waiting[j])
    j = (j+1) % n;

  if (j == i )
    lock = FALSE;
    waiting[j] = FALSE;

  // Remainder Section
} while (TRUE);
Dan Mantyla