



I'd like to create WebBrowser control programically in my code and then read page content.
I think I'm doing the same thing as designer does but control dynamically created doesn't work (DocumentText return empty string)

What I'm doing wrong ??

EDIT-2: Code change after @Axarydax suggestion (working)

Main block code:

WebBrowser browser = new WebBrowser { Name = "myBrowser"};
browser.DocumentCompleted   += browser_DocumentCompleted;
while (pageLoaded == false) {
  Thread.Sleep(500);       // pageLoaded is local field
  Application.DoEvents();  // didn't wotk without this...

Event Handler code

void browser_DocumentCompleted ( object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e ) { 
    pageLoaded = true; 
+2  A: 

Navigate method is asynchronous, so you should wait for NavigationComplete event to be fired. Though, if you want HTML of the page, use System.Net.WebClient.

I've changed code according your suggestion - still doesnt work - any idea how to fix it?
@Axarydax:heartly thanx, for this post, it helped me a lot !!
+1  A: 

The Navigate method works asynchronously, so the page loads in the background and there's no text when you access the DocumentText property.

Try adding a handler to the DocumentCompleted event and moving your Console.WriteLine(browser.DocumentText) call there.

Tim Robinson
I need to 'wait' in my main program thread to process read content. I've add Edit#1 to my example trying archive that. Any idea how to manage that?
If all you need is the HTML source for the page, follow Axarydax's suggestion.
Tim Robinson
+1  A: 

You need to pump messages for the events to fire. Blocking the message pump with a while loop lacking message dispatching (e.g. Application.DoEvents) won't work.

Sheng Jiang 蒋晟