




I have a problem finding references to this subject and would appreciate some help.

We have an application that uses a central sql server and a local lucene. Since the data is synchronized we wish to put the lucene on the same machine as the sql server and access it remotely. I was looking for documentation and examples on how to do it in C# but found only in java.

Thank you, R. Yacobi

+2  A: 

You might be looking for SOLR, which is a search server built on top of Lucene. You can install it on your central server; and query it using http. SOLR only exist as a Java implementation, but this shouldn't be a problem because it is a standalone server that you can query remotely.

There is also an open source project, Solr.NET which provides a nice .NET interface to querying the server - so you don't have to mock around with http requests.

SOLR is definitely the solution with the biggest community and documentation.
Rui Carneiro
Thank you for the quick response.Do you know which class should I use, or do you have an example code?
R. Yacobi