



Hello. Can anyone tell me how to make a div's background transparent, but with a tint of color, such as black. I've tried this using CSS although I can only get the div to be either transparent or filled with color.
Thanks for the help!

+3  A: 

You can use opacity (and its IE sibling alpha) for that. has a good list of how to achieve that consistently in most browsers.

Not a great solution if you want *only* a background tinted, but it will work.
@Atomiton true. I sort of overread that part - to tint a background in a dynamically sized element, the PNG is definitely the way to go, taking into consideration @bobince's comments. It's still too early for `rgba`, as no IE supports it - otherwise, it would be the most elegant way hands down.
+3  A: 

Or you can use a PNG semi transparent image. Often the easiest way out, cause when playing with opacity you also change the opacity of the text.

Good point. Only thing to notice, semi-transparent PNGs need a workaround in IE6 to work. And a word of warning, never combine semi-transparent PNGs with `opacity`, it acts up in all IE browsers including 8. Use either one method or the other but never the both combined in one element.
Make sure you use a program like PNGOutWin ( to compress the image before using it so you don't chew up all your bandwidth though.
+1  A: has some examples

+2  A: 

There's opacity as per Pekka's answer, but it will make the content of the div transparent as well as the background. If that's not what you want, you could:

  1. have two divs, one with the opacity/alpha acting as a background, and another solid one for the content positioned on top of it. However the positioning can be tricky for variable-size elements. Or,

  2. use a semi-opaque background, either by using an rgba() colour (in browsers other than IE), or a PNG background image with an alpha channel (which works in IE7-8 but needs an AlphaImageLoader fix for IE6, which also means you have to make the image as large as you could possibly need it, as AlphaImageLoader won't tile).

+1  A: 

There is one more option ( although not supported in all browsers ). Use rgba():

/* apply a shade of seafoam green (50% transparent) to "tinted" class */
.tinted {    
    background-color: rgba(129,254,188,0.5);

Here's a nice easy to read article on a few methods.

Things are a whole lot easier if you don't care about IE6.


Here is a jQuery plugin that will handle everything for you, Transify

I was running into this problem every now and then, so I decided to write something that would make life a lot easier. The script is less than 2kb and it only requires 1 line of code to get it to work, and it will also handle animating the opacity of the background if you like.
