



I have a file and I don't know how big it's going to be (it could be quite large, but the size will vary greatly). I want to search the last 10 lines or so to see if any of them match a string. I need to do this as quickly and efficiently as possible and was wondering if there's anything better than:

s = "foo"
last_bit = fileObj.readlines()[-10:]
for line in last_bit:
    if line == s:
        print "FOUND"

read the last few Ks of the file, and split that into lines to return only the last 10.

it's quite unlikely the start of that chunk to fall on a line boundary, but you'll discard the first lines anyway.

+1  A: 

You could read chunks of 1,000 bytes or so from the end of the file into a buffer until you have 10 lines.

Robert Gamble
+5  A: 

I think reading the last 2 KB or so of the file should make sure you get 10 lines, and shouldn't be too much of a resource hog.

file_handle = open("somefile")
file_size = file_handle.tell() - 2*1024, 0))

# this will get rid of trailing newlines, unlike readlines()
last_10 =[-10:]

assert len(last_10) == 10, "Only read %d lines" % len(last_10)
Ryan Ginstrom
you should double check that the file is >= 2KB though
True -- added comment about quick and dirty nature of code
Ryan Ginstrom

Personally I'd be tempted to break out to the shell and call tail -n10 to load the file. But then I'm not really a Python programmer ;)

+2  A: 

I think I remember adapting the code from this blog post from Manu Garg when I had to do something similar.

Daryl Spitzer
+14  A: 
# Tail
from __future__ import with_statement

find_str = "FIREFOX"                    # String to find
fname = "g:/autoIt/ActiveWin.log_2"     # File to check

with open(fname, "r") as f: (0, 2)           # Seek @ EOF
    fsize = f.tell()        # Get Size (max (fsize-1024, 0), 0) # Set pos @ last n chars
    lines = f.readlines()       # Read to end

lines = lines[-10:]    # Get last 10 lines

# This returns True if any line is exactly find_str + "\n"
print find_str + "\n" in lines

# If you're searching for a substring
for line in lines:
    if find_str in line:
        print True
The "if len(l) < 10" is redundant. "print l[:-10]" handles that case.
Darius Bacon
@Darius: I really meant if len(l) > 10, fixed
lines[:-10] drops the last 10 lines. What you want is lines[-10:].
@MizardX / @ΤΖΩΤΖΙΟΥ: you're right, of course. Thx for the bugfix/comment
Replace `if l.find(find_str):` with `if l.find(find_str) >= 0:` or better yet by `if find_str in l:`.
J.F. Sebastian
`if len(lines) > 10:` is redundant. `list("ab")[-10:] -> ['a', 'b']`
J.F. Sebastian
I've replaced `if l.find(find_str)` by `if find_str in line`
J.F. Sebastian
I've removed redundant `if len(lines) > 10`
J.F. Sebastian
This will fail if the file has very long lines. The code assumes that the last 10 lines falls within the last 1k of data. There should be a check that there are at least 11 lines, or continue to seek backwards until that condition is true.
Bryan Oakley

tail -n10 | grep


First, a function that returns a list:

def lastNLines(file, N=10, chunksize=1024):
    lines = None,2) # go to eof
    size = file.tell()
    for pos in xrange(chunksize,size-1,chunksize):
        # read a chunk,2)
        chunk =
        if lines is None:
            # first time
            lines = chunk.splitlines()
            # other times, update the 'first' line with
            # the new data, and re-split
            lines[0:1] = (chunk + lines[0]).splitlines()
        if len(lines) > N:
            return lines[-N:]
    chunk =
    lines[0:1] = (chunk + lines[0]).splitlines()
    return lines[-N:]

Second, a function that iterates over the lines in reverse order:

def iter_lines_reversed(file, chunksize=1024):,2)
    size = file.tell()
    last_line = ""
    for pos in xrange(chunksize,size-1,chunksize):
        # read a chunk,2)
        chunk = + last_line
        # split into lines
        lines = chunk.splitlines()
        last_line = lines[0]
        # iterate in reverse order
        for index,line in enumerate(reversed(lines)):
            if index > 0:
                yield line
    # handle the remaining data at the beginning of the file
    chunk = + last_line
    lines = chunk.splitlines()
    for line in reversed(lines):
        yield line

For your example:

s = "foo"
for index, line in enumerate(iter_lines_reversed(fileObj)):
    if line == s:
        print "FOUND"
    elif index+1 >= 10:

Edit: Now gets the file-size automaticly
Edit2: Now only iterates for 10 lines.

A nit: you don't stop searching after checking 10 lines unsuccessfully.
Darius Bacon
Yeah, that's cool. See my answer for another way to do it, more reusable.
Darius Bacon
Although, looking at it now, I realize my head() function goes through all 10 lines even if the key is found sooner; I should've used itertools.imap() instead of map().
Darius Bacon
+4  A: 

If you are running Python on a POSIX system, you can use 'tail -10' to retrieve the last few lines. This may be faster than writing your own Python code to get the last 10 lines. Rather than opening the file directly, open a pipe from the command 'tail -10 filename'. If you are certain of the log output though (for example, you know that there are never any very long lines that are hundreds or thousands of characters long) then using one of the 'read the last 2KB' approaches listed would be fine.

Myrddin Emrys
I would be cautious with this, because shell calls have much more overhead than a direct access.
This is quite old, but I was not actually advocating a shell call. I was recommending calling the script with piped output from tail, rather than calling the script to read the whole file itself.
Myrddin Emrys

If you're on a unix box, os.popen("tail -10 " + filepath).readlines() will probably be the fastest way. Otherwise, it depends on how robust you want it to be. The methods proposed so far will all fall down, one way or another. For robustness and speed in the most common case you probably want something like a logarithmic search: use to go to end of the file minus 1000 characters, read it in, check how many lines it contains, then to EOF minus 3000 characters, read in 2000 characters, count the lines, then EOF minus 7000, read in 4000 characters, count the lines, etc. until you have as many lines as you need. But if you know for sure that it's always going to be run on files with sensible line lengths, you may not need that.

You might also find some inspiration in the source code for the unix tail command.


Here's an answer like MizardX's, but without its apparent problem of taking quadratic time in the worst case from rescanning the working string repeatedly for newlines as chunks are added.

Compared to the activestate solution (which also seems to be quadratic), this doesn't blow up given an empty file, and does one seek per block read instead of two.

Compared to spawning 'tail', this is self-contained. (But 'tail' is best if you have it.)

Compared to grabbing a few kB off the end and hoping it's enough, this works for any line length.

import os

def reversed_lines(file):
    "Generate the lines of file in reverse order."
    tail = []           # Tail of the line whose head is not yet read.
    for block in reversed_blocks(file):
        # A line is a list of strings to avoid quadratic concatenation.
        # (And trying to avoid 1-element lists would complicate the code.)
        linelists = [[line] for line in block.splitlines()]
        for linelist in reversed(linelists[1:]):
            yield ''.join(linelist)
        tail = linelists[0]
    if tail: yield ''.join(tail)

def reversed_blocks(file, blocksize=4096):
    "Generate blocks of file's contents in reverse order.", os.SEEK_END)
    here = file.tell()
    while 0 < here:
        delta = min(blocksize, here) - delta, os.SEEK_SET)
        here -= delta

To use it as requested:

import itertools
import operator

def check_last_10_lines(file, key):
    for line in head(reversed_lines(file), 10):
        if line == key:
            print 'FOUND'

def head(iter, n):
    "Like foo[:n], but works on iterators."
    return itertools.imap(operator.itemgetter(1), zip(range(n), iter))

Edit: changed map() to itertools.imap() in head(). Edit 2: simplified reversed_blocks(). Edit 3: avoid rescanning tail for newlines.

Darius Bacon
+1  A: 

I ran into that problem, parsing the last hour of LARGE syslog files, and used this function from activestate's recipe site... (

!/usr/bin/env python
# -*-mode: python; coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# Copyright (c) Peter Astrand <[email protected]>

import os
import string

class BackwardsReader:
    """Read a file line by line, backwards"""
    BLKSIZE = 4096

    def readline(self):
        while 1:
            newline_pos = string.rfind(self.buf, "\n")
            pos = self.file.tell()
            if newline_pos != -1:
                # Found a newline
                line = self.buf[newline_pos+1:]
                self.buf = self.buf[:newline_pos]
                if pos != 0 or newline_pos != 0 or self.trailing_newline:
                    line += "\n"
                return line
                if pos == 0:
                    # Start-of-file
                    return ""
                    # Need to fill buffer
                    toread = min(self.BLKSIZE, pos)
          , 1)
                    self.buf = + self.buf
          , 1)
                    if pos - toread == 0:
                        self.buf = "\n" + self.buf

    def __init__(self, file):
        self.file = file
        self.buf = "", 2)
        self.trailing_newline = 0
        lastchar =
        if lastchar == "\n":
            self.trailing_newline = 1
  , 2)

# Example usage
br = BackwardsReader(open('bar'))

while 1:
    line = br.readline()
    if not line:
    print repr(line)

It works really well and is much more efficient then anything like fileObj.readlines()[-10:], which makes python read the entire file into memory and then chops the last ten lines off of it.

Fails if bar is empty. I have some trouble following the code, too.
Darius Bacon
+2  A: 

Here is a version using mmap that seems pretty efficient. The big plus is that mmap will automatically handle the file to memory paging requirements for you.

import os
from mmap import mmap

def lastn(filename, n):
    # open the file and mmap it
    f = open(filename, 'r+')
    m = mmap(f.fileno(), os.path.getsize(

    nlcount = 0
    i = m.size() - 1 
    if m[i] == '\n': n += 1
    while nlcount < n and i > 0:
        if m[i] == '\n': nlcount += 1
        i -= 1
    if i > 0: i += 2

    return m[i:].splitlines()

target = "target string"
print [l for l in lastn('somefile', 10) if l == target]
Nice! I should've thought of mmap. This goes an order of magnitude slower than mine on my test of a really big 1-line file, though, I guess because it checks char-by-char in Python code.
Darius Bacon
Yes, I was worried about the "pure Python" loop too. The loop could possibly be made more efficient than the code I've provided. If the mmap object had an rfind() method, it could have been much better!

This solution will read the file only once, but using 2 file object pointers to be able obtain the last N lines of file without re-reading it:

def getLastLines (path, n):
    # return the las N lines from the file indicated in path

    fp = open(path)
    for i in range(n):
        line = fp.readline()
        if line == '':
            return []

    back = open(path)
    for each in fp:

    result = []
    for line in back:

    return result

s = "foo"
last_bit = getLastLines(r'C:\Documents and Settings\ricardo.m.reyes\My Documents\desarrollo\', 10)
for line in last_bit:
    if line == s:
        print "FOUND"
Ricardo Reyes

You could also count the lines as you reverse through the file, instead of guessing at a byte offset.

lines = 0
chunk_size = 1024

f = file('filename'), 2) - chunk_size)

while True:
    s =
    lines += s.count('\n')
    if lines > NUM_OF_LINES:
        break - chunk_size*2)

Now the file is at a good position to run readlines(). You also could cache the strings you read the first time, to eliminate reading the same portion of the file twice.


Maybe this might be useful:

import os.path

path = 'path_to_file'
os.system('tail -n1 ' + path)
could be one way, but its not portable.