


+1  A: 

Just change the expression to non-greedy and reverse the match order:

Dim reg As New Regex("\s\(.+?\)</P>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.RightToLeft)

Or make it match only one closing parenthesis:


Or make it match only numbers inside your pharentesis:


Edit: in order to make the non-greedy sample to work, you'll need to set the RightToLeft flag on the Regex object

Fábio Batista
I made that change, but the parsing through the text: "....(123) (321)</p>" still returns "(123) (321)</p>"
Matt H.
.. i just want it to return "(321)</p>"
Matt H.
Check again my suggestions, I edited a little bit. The non-greedy method still works, but need an extra flag on RegexOptions.
Fábio Batista
+1  A: 
Dim reg As New Regex("\s\(\d+\)</P>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)

Your stumbling block was the insufficient specificity of the . (it matches all characters, including parentheses) and the greediness of the + (it matches as much as possible).

Just be more specific (\d+) or less greedy (.+?).

"Less greedy" won't work; RE engines always try to start matching as soon as possible. Being more specific is the correct approach.
Donal Fellows
I just edited my answer with non-greedy suggestion, it actually works, but you'll have to set the Regex engine to work backwards (the RegexOptions.RightToLeft on .NET will do this)
Fábio Batista

You need to use a Look Ahead (?= ) to anchor the pattern. That gives a hint to the parser of where the data should stop, be anchored to. Here is an example which gets the previous ( ) data from the p tag anchor point:


(?:\()        - Match but don't capture a (
([^)]+)       - Get all the data until a ) is hit. [^ ] is the not set
(?:\))        - Match but don't capture the )  
(?=</[pP]>)  - Look Ahead Match but don't capture a suffix of </p or P >

