



I am required to display a DevExpress WinForms GridControl where the rows must be grouped by a date column. When horizontally scrolling the grid, I am required to keep the group row and group indents fixed to the left of the control (so they do not scroll with the columns). I have so far been unable to find any built-in capability for this. There is the ability to fix a column to the left or right side of the control, but the indent is not a true column.

FYI, the group row portion is staying "fixed" by handling the drawing of it to always position it at the left. I do not see a way of controlling the drawing of the indent however. Attempts to custom draw an indent have been unsuccessful so far.

We are using version of the DevExpress XtraGrid controls for WinForms.

Does anyone have any solutions or workarounds that might allow us to at least give the appearance that the group indents are fixed?

Thank you!