



A windows batch file (called.bat or called.cmd) can be called from another batch file (caller.bat or caller.cmd) or interactive cmd.exe prompt in several ways:

  1. direct call: called.bat
  2. using call command: call called.bat
  3. using cmd command: cmd /c called.bat
  4. using start command: start called.bat

I'm quite in trouble to differentiate their intended usage based on their help text: when to use which one? e.g. why I might use 'call' command instead of direct call. What's different?

I'm interested on some summary report that analyze all 4 possibilities (and others if any missing) from various point of views: recommended use cases for which they are designed to fit, process spawning, execution context, environment, return code processing.

Note: I'm using Windows XP SP3.

+2  A: 
  1. the batch file will be executed by the current cmd.exe instance (or a new cmd.exe instance if, for instance, double-clicked in Explorer).

  2. same as #1, only has an effect when used inside a batch/cmd file. In a batch file, without 'call', the parent batch file ends and control passes to the called batch file; with 'call' runs the child batch file, and the parent batch file continues with statements following call.

  3. runs the batch file in a new cmd.exe instance.

  4. start will run the batch file in a new cmd.exe instance in a new window, and the caller will not wait for completion.

Kyle Alons