



This is very similar to a previous question (and may be the exact same question) but I really didn't understand the answers enough to be able to tell for sure.

I am using Entity Framework 4 in Visual Studio RC1 to create an azure service app (so it is .Net 3.5). I have a database with a lot of patterns like the following:

Thing                     ThingType
-------------             --------------
Id : int                  Id : int
Type : int

where Thing.Type is referencing a ThingType. When EF4 assembles the model from the database, an error is generated which reads:

Error 2016: Condition cannot be specified for Column member 'Type' because it is marked with a 'Computed' or 'Identity' StoreGeneratedPattern.

I'm at a loss as to how to move forward, but obviously this is a very common scenario. I feel very confident that somebody can help me out.

+2  A: 

In RC1 there is a bug where the foregin key relationships keep getting marked as StoreGeneratedPattern="Identity". This may be causing the issue you are seeing here but I cannot say for sure since your environment is different. Take a look at your EDMX file, you should see the StoreGeneratedPattern="Identity" only the Id field for Thing and ThingType and not on the ThingThingType relationship.

See also

Microsoft has confirmed that this bug is fixed for RTM which is good since it affects you every time you update the model from the database!
