



I have a page which contains a jQuery-UI horizontal slider, created using a little function, inside a div which can be displayed / hidden by clicking on it's title, using $.toggle().

Problem is, once the div is hidden, when it is expanded the slider is gone.

A simplified demo of the problem can be seen here: (file contains all relevant source code) - when clicking the "Advanced Options" title to hide and then show the div, the slider is no longer there.

Any suggestions on how to work around this?

+3  A: 

I've downloaded your page.

Seems like problem is in 'blind' option your pass to .toggle() function.

I've changed it to .slideToggle() and everything worked as you expected.

UPD: 'blind' is valid option for .toggle() with latest version of jquery ui (1.8.0) everything works fine.

Zark Zork
Yes, that's it. Congratulations for your first answer :)
Alex Bagnolini
Thanks! Do you think this should be reported as a jQuery bug?
Shahar Evron
It seems to be fixed in 1.8.0 .
Zark Zork