I got an adress example: 0x003533 , its a string but to use it i need it to be a LONG but i dont know how to do it :S has anybody a solution?
so string: "0x003533" to long 0x003533 ??
I got an adress example: 0x003533 , its a string but to use it i need it to be a LONG but i dont know how to do it :S has anybody a solution?
so string: "0x003533" to long 0x003533 ??
Use strtol() as in:
#include <cstdlib> #include <string> // ... { // ... // Assume str is an std::string containing the value long value = strtol(str.c_str(),0,0); // ... } // ...
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string s("0x003533");
long x;
istringstream(s) >> hex >> x;
cout << hex << x << endl; // prints 3533
cout << dec << x << endl; // prints 13619
As Potatocorn said in the comments, you can also use boost::lexical_cast
as shown below:
long x = 0L;
try {
x = lexical_cast<long>("0x003533");
catch(bad_lexical_cast const & blc) {
// handle the exception