If P( cj | xi ) are already known, where i=1,2,...n; j=1,2,...k;
How do I calculate/estimate:
P( cj | xl , xm , xn ), where j=1,2,...k; l,m,n {1,2,...n} ?
If P( cj | xi ) are already known, where i=1,2,...n; j=1,2,...k;
How do I calculate/estimate:
P( cj | xl , xm , xn ), where j=1,2,...k; l,m,n {1,2,...n} ?
EDIT2 (following the OP's comment)
From bayes rule we know that P(C|x1,x2,x3) ~ P(C)*P(x1,x2,x3|C)
and therefore for classification, you compute that expression for all C=j
and predict the most likely class (MAP).
Now to compute P(x1,x2,x3|C)
, for i.i.d observations, this can be written as: P(x1,x2,x3|C) = P(x1|C)*P(x2|C)*P(x3|C)
, which given a parametric model each could be computed easily.
What you want to do is not possible without further information or simplifying assumptions.
The conditional probability P(A|B,C) is not (completely/at all :) determined by P(A|B) and P(A|C).