




I need to use VBA to determine the number of arguments passed to an Excel formula. For instance, suppose a cell contains the formula =MyFunc($A$1, "xyz", SUM(1,2,COUNT(C1:C12)), IF(B1>2,1,0)). Then the counter function should return 4. Does VBA contain any built-in functions for this, or does someone have an example of a regular expression that could calculate this?


Thank you both user225626 and Charles. One problem I found was when there were quoted string arguments that contained commas; these commas were causing the argument count to increase. I've modified Charles' code to account for this.

Public Function CountFormulaArguments(sStr As String) As Integer
    Dim strChar As String
    Dim nArgs As Integer
    Dim n, nLParen, nCommas As Integer
    Dim blArray, bQuote As Boolean

    nLParen = 0
    nArgs = 0
    For n = 1 To Len(sStr)
        strChar = Mid(sStr, n, 1)
        If strChar = "(" Then
            nLParen = nLParen + 1
            If nLParen = 1 Then nArgs = nArgs + 1
        ElseIf strChar = ")" Then nLParen = nLParen - 1
        ElseIf nLParen = 1 And strChar = "{" Then blArray = True
        ElseIf blArray And strChar = "}" Then blArray = False
        ElseIf Not bQuote And strChar = """" Then bQuote = True
        ElseIf bQuote And strChar = """" Then bQuote = False
        ElseIf nLParen = 1 And Mid(sStr, n, 1) = "," And Not blArray And Not bQuote Then nCommas = nCommas + 1
        End If
    nArgs = nArgs + nCommas

    CountFormulaArguments = nArgs
End Function
Sub Test01()
 sStr = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Formula

 For n = 1 To Len(sStr)
  If Mid(sStr, n, 1) = "(" Then nLParen = nLParen + 1
  If Mid(sStr, n, 1) = ")" Then nLParen = nLParen - 1

  If nLParen = 1 And Mid(sStr, n, 1) = "," Then nCommas = nCommas + 1
 nArgs = nCommas + 1

 MsgBox nArgs
End Sub
Charles Williams