Well I've spent a couple of days fiddling around and this is how I managed to build my colour palette. Its worked fairly well for me and you can change the size of the colour palette to return more or less colours from the image.
// The function takes in an image resource (the result from one
// of the GD imagecreate... functions) as well as a width and
// height for the size of colour palette you wish to create.
// This defaults to a 3x3, 9 block palette.
function build_palette($img_resource, $palette_w = 3, $palette_h = 3) {
$width = imagesx($img_resource);
$height = imagesy($img_resource);
// Calculate the width and height of each palette block
// based upon the size of the input image and the number
// of blocks.
$block_w = round($width / $palette_w);
$block_h = round($height / $palette_h);
for($y = 0; $y < $palette_h; $y++) {
for($x = 0; $x < $palette_w; $x++) {
// Calculate where to take an image sample from the soruce image.
$block_start_x = ($x * $block_w);
$block_start_y = ($y * $block_h);
// Create a blank 1x1 image into which we will copy
// the image sample.
$block = imagecreatetruecolor(1, 1);
imagecopyresampled($block, $img_resource, 0, 0, $block_start_x, $block_start_y, 1, 1, $block_w, $block_h);
// Convert the block to a palette image of just one colour.
imagetruecolortopalette($block, true, 1);
// Find the RGB value of the block's colour and save it
// to an array.
$colour_index = imagecolorat($block, 0, 0);
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($block, $colour_index);
$colour_array[$x][$y]['r'] = $rgb['red'];
$colour_array[$x][$y]['g'] = $rgb['green'];
$colour_array[$x][$y]['b'] = $rgb['blue'];
return $colour_array;