I have the following code to generate combinations of string for a small list and would like to adapt this for a large list of over 300 string words.Can anyone suggest how to alter this code or to use a different method.
Public Class combinations
Public Shared Sub main()
Dim myAnimals As String = "cat dog horse ape hen mouse"
Dim myAnimalCombinations As String() = BuildCombinations(myAnimals)
For Each combination As String In myAnimalCombinations
''//Look on the Output Tab for the results!
Console.WriteLine("(" & combination & ")")
Next combination
End Sub
Public Shared Function BuildCombinations(ByVal inputString As String) As String()
''//Separate the sentence into useable words.
Dim wordsArray As String() = inputString.Split(" ".ToCharArray)
''//A plase to store the results as we build them
Dim returnArray() As String = New String() {""}
''//The 'combination level' that we're up to
Dim wordDistance As Integer = 1
''//Go through all the combination levels...
For wordDistance = 1 To wordsArray.GetUpperBound(0)
''//Go through all the words at this combination level...
For wordIndex As Integer = 0 To wordsArray.GetUpperBound(0) - wordDistance
''//Get the first word of this combination level
Dim combination As New System.Text.StringBuilder(wordsArray(wordIndex))
''//And all all the remaining words a this combination level
For combinationIndex As Integer = 1 To wordDistance
combination.Append(" " & wordsArray(wordIndex + combinationIndex))
Next combinationIndex
''//Add this combination to the results
returnArray(returnArray.GetUpperBound(0)) = combination.ToString
''//Add a new row to the results, ready for the next combination
ReDim Preserve returnArray(returnArray.GetUpperBound(0) + 1)
Next wordIndex
Next wordDistance
''//Get rid of the last, blank row.
ReDim Preserve returnArray(returnArray.GetUpperBound(0) - 1)
''//Return combinations to the calling method.
Return returnArray
End Function
End Class
For wordDistance = 1 To inputList.Count.ToString / 2
Dim count = inputList.Count.ToString
'Go through all the words at this combination level...
For wordIndex As Integer = 0 To inputList.Count.ToString - wordDistance
'Get the first word of this combination level
'And all all the remaining words a this combination level
For combinationIndex As Integer = 1 To wordDistance
combination.Add(" " & inputList.Item(wordIndex + combinationIndex))
Next combinationIndex
'Add this combination to the results
If Not wordsList.Contains(combination) Then
End If
'Add a new row to the results, ready for the next combination
'ReDim Preserve returnArray(returnArray.GetUpperBound(0) + 1)
Next wordIndex
Next wordDistance