Is anyone aware of a way of sftp'ing from Unix to Windows
Thanks Damien
Is anyone aware of a way of sftp'ing from Unix to Windows
Thanks Damien
You can install OpenSSH for windows. It is a cygwin thing and is a little bit tricky to set up on windows box, but it worked for me.
From a similar question just asked, I saw this mentioned: http://www.freesshd.com. That could allow you to sftp from *nix to Windows.
PSFTP from the PuTTY team works ok for grabbing files while on Windows.
You setup a server with, for instance freeSSHd. Then you can use the regular unix client that comes with OpenSSH, which is a bit on the no feature side of the spectrum, or choose among many of the other SFTP supporting unix clients.
Are you looking for a ready SSH server on windows or you are going to create one? If you need to create a server, then take a look at SSHBlackbox package of SecureBlackbox (our product). It provides powerful components to build a full-scale SSH and SFTP server.
Wikipedia has a large list of sftp servers many can run on windows. Some are more difficult to setup and some are non free. I have used openssh under cygwin and freesshd.
If you are looking for a GUI sftp client that works on Linux you probably are looking for FileZilla or gftp-gtk.
Are you looking for a ready SSH server on windows or you are going to create one? If you need to create a server, then take a look at КПК та комунікатори or Ниссан Санни.
Take a look at CompleteFTP, which is an fast, compact SFTP server for all Windows platforms.
You can use OpenSSH on Unix to SFTP to CompleteFTP running on Windows.