+1  A: 


function AddNewClient() 
    dataToLoad = 'clientID=' + clientID + '&addClient=yes';
        type: 'post', 
        url: '/clients/controller.php', 
        data: dataToLoad, 
        success: function(html){ 
            $('#clientssidebar').html(html); }, 
        error: function() { 
            alert('An error occured!'); } 
I am ending up with the same problem still, will edit regular post with link so you can see. thank you for trying!
Matt Nathanson
I followed your link and apparently it does what I think it should be doing. Could you elaborate on what you want it to do exactly?
It's adding the new client, but as you can see when it reloads, it is pulling in information that should be going inside of a div once one of those individual campaigns are clicked, when really, just the lorem ipsum should be pulled up..
Matt Nathanson
That's probably a matter of how the response is formed. Look inside your `/clients/controller.php`, it probably sends out the data you wish not pull.
Found out the problem, you were right... In the php page, in the loop it was echoing out all of that additional data. Thanks!
Matt Nathanson