



Hi, I need to download emails from a shared Outlook 2003 mailbox and store various properties in an Access database. One of the most important is the timestamp.

Of all the properties of the MailItem, there are four timestamps:-

12           CreationTime                13/04/2010 09:41:26 
17           LastModificationTime        13/04/2010 09:42:21 
46           ReceivedTime                13/04/2010 09:41:26 
60           SentOn                      13/04/2010 09:41:25 

but these are all pre-processed into in local time (including Daylight Saving Time adjustment) AND local DD/MM/YYYY format.

This is a problem because we receive emails from different countries and timezones.

How do I get the GMT timestamp (preferably in the standard timestamp format)?

Do I have to set up a database of sender locations, Daylight Saving Time change dates, etc, etc, and write loads of code that ought to be unnecessary? Or is there something else encoded somewhere?