First off, I'm using Tomcat 5.5 and my .jsp's live in /webapps/foo/bar/*.jsp.
I followed the directions here to set up a default 404 error page. In my TOMCAT_HOME/conf/web.xml I entered:
I dropped copies of a test error.html file into each of the dirs (I wasn't sure where /error.html was referring to):
Whenever I attempt to access a non-existent page in a browser at url's /foo/missingpage.html or /foo/bar/missingpage.html I'm redirected to my error page that exists in /foo/error.html.
However, attempting to access a non-existent page in a browser at url /missingpage.html yields a blankpage. Or any permutation of /missingDir/missingfile.html will also yield a blank page. Any suggestions? Am I missing some extra configuration?